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Meeting of Shareholders

General Meetings of Shareholders are held at least once a year to discuss the company’s business over the past year and the annual report, to adopt the financial statements, decide on the dividend proposal, discharge the members of the Board of
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Internal/external audit

Bouwinvest has established an independent internal audit function to help the company meet its operational and business targets by taking a systematic, disciplined approach to evaluation.
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Banks, insurance companies and pension funds, but also specialised investment managers like Bouwinvest, have to deal with ever stricter regulations and monitoring by regulatory bodies.
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Lines of defence

Bouwinvest recognises the importance of a solid framework for risk management, aimed at identifying and mitigating risks, which in turn makes it possible for the company to achieve its goals more effectively.
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Risk management

The Risk Management team uses a risk management cycle to determine how targets are set and achieved. In this annual report, we describe the risk management of the management organisation.
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Bouwinvest has an independent compliance function that identifies, assesses and monitors the company’s compliance risks and advises and reports on same.
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