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Company profile

Bouwinvest Real Estate Investment Management is one of the largest institutional real estate investors in the Netherlands, with assets under management of € 9.4 billion.
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Bouwinvest constantly follows the most significant trends in its relevant markets. The real estate sector is affected by a number of trends, such as global population growth, ongoing urbanisation and the growing importance of sustainability.
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Human Resources Management

Bouwinvest’s success depends on the company’s employees. It is thanks to their dedication, commitment and hard work that we can achieve excellent results and that we are able to meet our targets.
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Board of Directors

Bouwinvest’s Board of Directors consists of one statutory director, also Chairman of the Board, and three managing directors: the Managing Director Finance, the Managing Director Dutch Investments and the Managing Director International Investments.
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Supervisory Board

The role of the Supervisory Board is to supervise the policies of the Board of Directors and the general affairs of the company and its related business. The Supervisory Board has appointed an Audit Committee and a Selection & Remuneration Committee.
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