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Assets under management is defined as the net asset value of the funds, as per the chosen valuation principles of the funds, that Bouwinvest manages as investment manager.
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Message from the Chairman

Bouwinvest Real Estate Investment Management can look back on a good year. We recorded a return of 12.4% on our portfolio as a whole, excluding currency results. This marked the third year in a row that we have recorded a double digit return.
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Report of the Supervisory Board

The Supervisory Board met seven times in 2017. In the context of its supervisory role, the Board also conducted six conference calls regarding investments in the international real estate portfolio and the investments in the Dutch real estate funds.
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Market developments 2017

The global economy continued its growth last year and in the early part of 2018. This growth is being driven by improved business and consumer confidence, stronger industrial production and growing employment and trade.
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