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Stakeholders’ matrix

Material aspect


Stakeholders expectations

Our intended impact

Target 2018-2020

Situation 2017



1. Long-term return on real estate investments

Investors, shareholders, tenants

• Long-term return on real estate funds/mandates in line with target return
• Financially healthy business
• Rental prices in line with market practices

Investors receive a long-term return that is on average in line with the risk profile of the real estate investments and that contributes to the indexation of pension benefits

• Average long-term return (5 years) on assets under management: 5-7.5%

•Average 8.9% total return on assets under management (period 2013-2017)

2. Growth of real estate investments

Investors, shareholders, national and local government institutions, local operators, supply chain partners

• Liquid funds/mandates (entry and exit )
• Availability of capital to invest
• Secured pipeline real estate transactions
• Increase number and share of third-party investors in addition to anchor investor bpfBOUW

Stakeholders have confidence in the future growth of the real estate investments because the inflow and outflow of real estate and capital is assured for the longer term

• New real estate transactions of €800 million each year
• In 2018, opening of representative offices in New York and Sydney
• Investment strategy for emerging markets in Asia and Brazil

• New real estate transactions in 2017: € 785 million
• One head office in Amsterdam
• Investments in 10 core regions



3. Sustainable real estate investments

Investors, shareholders, national and local government institutions, tenants

• Sustainable funds/mandates (GRESB score)
• Sustainable buildings (building certificates)
• Contribute to energy-transition (lower GHG emissions)
• Contribute to health and well-being

Society can count on both housing and business operations that contribute to the environment, health and local communities

• 70% of real estate investments are highly sustainable (GRESB 4/5-star rating)

• 76% of investments have a GRESB 4/5-star rating



4. Tenant and investor services and engagement

Investors, shareholders, tenants

• Easily accessible and short response times
• implement new technologies
• provide services/facilities which increase the convenience of tenant and investor

Tenants and investors have peace of mind and greatly appreciate Bouwinvest's services

• Average tenant satisfaction score > 7
• Average investor satisfaction score > 7

• Tenant satisfaction score: 6.7
• Investor satisfaction score: 7.9

5. Career & employment


• Internal career advancement for employees
• Training and development for employees
• Employee remuneration in line with market practices

Employees receive support on the development and career fronts , are paid in line with prevailing market practices and give Bouwinvest an above-average rating

• Average employee satisfaction score > 7

• Employee satisfaction score: 8.0

6. Stand-out employer


• Timely filling of existing and future vacancies
• Maintaining good position on the employment market

The right talented people are aware of Bouwinvest as an employer

• Growth to 180 FTEs in 2020

• Net growth of 16 FTEs in 2017

7. Partnerships & long term commitment

Supply chain partners, local operators, employees, tenants

• Flexibility and innovative potential
• Collaborating with the supply chain partners
• Recurring cooperation
• Maintain stable policies

To create value for all stakeholders by entering into long-term partnerships

• Further intensification of internal and external cooperation

• Service level agreements with property managers



8. Thought leadership and reputation

Investors, shareholders, national and local government institutions, fund managers

• Expertise and vision regarding real estate investments and markets
• Make active contribution to sector organisations
• Increase transparency of real estate market

To further improve the climate for real estate investments (nationally and internationally)

• Make an active contribution to the transparency in the real estate markets where Bouwinvest invests

• Three published (research) papers
• Contributions to sector organisations, incl. ULI, IVBN, NEPROM, INREV, ANREV, RICS

9. Protection of privacy


• Processing of personal data complies with laws and regulations

Tenants can rest assured that their personal data is safe and well protected

• Continue to comply with privacy-related laws and regulations

• Safety of personal data is inclused in classification of IT services and (personal) data processing agreements with third parties are in place

10. Responsible business practices

Investors, regulators, tenants, local operators

• Comply with laws and regulations
• Comply with Corporate governance code
• Act professionally
• High-quality and speed of business operations
• Integrity / no conflicts of interest

Stakeholders can trust that Bouwinvest's business operations are in order and comply with laws and regulations

• Maintain the current high quality of corporate governance

• Four lines of defence
• AIFMD permit
• ISAE3402 type 2
• Compliance & risk cycle
• No conflicts of interest due to single fund structure

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