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Financial statements

25 search results

9 Deferred tax liabilities

A deferred tax liability of € 0.7 million has been recognised for the difference between the fiscal and commercial valuation of the participations of € 2.9 million at year-end 2017 (2016: € 1.7 million).

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Contingent rights and liabilities

Bouwinvest has management agreements with the funds for an indefinite period with a two-year notice period, as well as a mandate with bpfBOUW regarding the International portfolios for an indefinite period with a five-year notice period.

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13 Management fee

Bouwinvest received a management fee of € 34.3 million in 2017 (2016: € 30.7 million), € 33.3 million (2016: € 29.2 million) of which was based on the assets under management.

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